No matter how much I try, I cannot do the things which are acceptable to ALL. Sometimes somebody is going to get hurt and my potrayal will be of an ignorant person. I have tried to balance out the things amongst all but it hurts me in the end. Sometimes you got to think keeping in perspective of the future. Sometimes you got to prioritize the needs. Sometimes you got to keep your interest at first place.
I am not saying that I am the best judge but I cannot walk on somebody's road when I cannot see the destination ahead. If I come across a dead end, it will be a wholly my fault. When i am the person bearing the end result whatever it may be, then I should be the person deciding the way to achieve it. Yes, advices are very important and welcomed but those need to be convincing.
If I have hurt any person knowingly or unknowingly, please understand the complexity of the situations which you are unknown to. The feelings which ought to be mutual and if they are not, then the meetings and conversations become burdens.
I feel very glad when the other person draws the line of limt and expects me not to cross it. This means that we both are frank enough to respect each other's choices and individuality. But when I do it, very few people can withstand this logic. That's the reason for frequent clashes amongst people, couples, friends and partners.
Above all thoughts and logics are my own, please excuse me if those are not acceptable by ALL.
Feeling exhausted,