Saturday, May 21, 2016

Book of prefaces..

What can I say, I think of writing a book in each month with a new topic each time. So instead of writing multiple unfinished books, I am thinking of writing ‘Preface’ or ‘About the book’ of every book I think about and create a book of prefaces. Beat that!!!

This post is actually the preface of ‘Book Of Prefaces’. If you are not confused enough, this is a rough preface, final draft is going to be better.

Words have power only because we allow them to be powerful. Bad can be tolerated but ‘terrible’ is heart aching; we gave two words a power to impact us in different manner. Just like any living person around, words can comfort us, hurt us, sadden us and glorify us .
When I fantasize regularly about writing a book, I tick two-three points in my mind to include and then realize the futility of such notion. I cannot finish even 10 pages with couple of points. While writing prefaces for each book, I can cover the couple of points and get over with it. I have this weird emotion of penning down every random thought that crosses my mind, as if when apocalypse destroys the world, my  written thoughts will be THE only piece of evidence of existing life forms for the future mankind. (My mind whispers ‘who knows’)
I am entirely comfortable if the only one who read my book or this post is me because writing keeps me sane, literally. I feel proud of myself after reading out what I have written. I somehow feel that written words are picked out carefully in comparison to what is spoken. And I truly believe that everyone deserve the communication with carefully picked out words since we have given power to the words.  
Expect the contents of the book to be written down with all my heart and I‘d love if you relate them with yourself. Because I have given my words the power to connect hearts too.

The Author.(I love the sound of it)