Not going to take credit or accept your praises for the beautiful title, it's from the . Recently I watched an animated video created by Paper Boat drinks with background song as Life is still beautiful. It made me go visit my memory lane and all the wonderful things of childhood came back as a slideshow. Thinking over it, I realized how many things I have forgotten that once used to be important; how easily those memories came back watching that video and what would have happened if nobody created that video. Memories are like a splash of cold water on your face, you get blinded for some moments lost in some different zone; then reality hits hard and you smile upon the feeling that splash gave you.
I adamantly refuse to let go of some memories, so does my parents and sister. They never let me forget some funny moments of my childhood, which i now find embarrassing but remembering those things and including those jokes in daily life spread smiles. It's just not about me or my sister or our childhood pranks; we absolutely hold on to the funny mistakes of our parents and tease them at every chance we could. Vocabulary used at my home is filled with the funny jokes and mistakes that sometime back my parents or we sisters made. Every small jokes that we shared as a family has now grown up roots in our hearts, we don't cut them after laughing on them only once. Those things bind us and we keep reliving those moments .
I love to take photos and keep them with me as souvenirs but if there is no memory attached to photographs, then seeing those wont give me a splash; i ll just say 'oh yeah, we took this trip that year and we had fun'. Without anecdotes and jokes of the trip, i am just going to look at the scenery, not the people I took the trip with. When there are rounds of laughter and people around, memories get built up. But you need to remember these moments to realize how attached you are to those things. I laugh so hard with my friends thinking about two very funny people of my school. I laugh very hard remembering a very rude thing said to colleague by his boss and how we all made fun of him. Without the people and their words at the moment, you wouldn't be laughing at memories few decades later.
Sad memories can make you strong, make you proud of yourself and make you laugh at yourself. They make you realize power of the ultimate truth 'this too shall pass' and make you face the next day with new hope. Sad memories make me realize that at one point of time, i used to think this is the end of the world, and once i hated everybody(read 'Parents') who refused to co-operate with me(read 'Scolded me'). There are some moments of childhood especially those can give you goosebumps, believe me.
I am truly fortunate to have such family, friends, colleagues who never let go of any chance to creating and reliving those memories. You need to relax and take a side step from your road once in a while to have a cold water splash just to become fully alive.
Thank you Paper Boat for letting me plunge deep into my childhood memories..Wonderful video.
Chidiya ud, tota ud...;)