Thursday, October 13, 2016

Motivation to get up!!

After a long time, I am feeling motivated to write. There were thoughts going on in my mind but there was no fuelling motivation to keep 2 hours aside from a day and put the mind in a meditative mode. I think people do what they do for either of the two reasons, prize or conscience. Being driven by the prize is like a competition where you concentrate on winning. If you are driven by conscience then you are likely to get out of the comfort zone by choice not because the rules say so. In my case, I get up early to cook daily because I feel motivated by my conscience and the routine where I get ready to go to work (which I sometimes don’t like) is driven by the prize of my salary.
You have got to find motivation strong enough to keep u up throughout the day. The urge to learn is a great kind of motivation and so is a desire to teach. I have seen people leaving the comfortable jobs to teach in rural areas just like I have seen people learning new technology at the age of 86.
Motivating others is an art, it requires confidence and mastery over communication. You have got to appreciate the leaders of terrorist groups. They are never low on the people; people who gladly offer their lives for a cause which still is unknown. Just imagine their motivation power and how effectively communicated their purpose is.
Sometimes motivation is not enough to keep going, you need courage too. Even if I am motivated, what wonder can I do if I am afraid to face the hurdle or consequences?  

Find the motivation for yourself, to keep u going and doing something truly great.

Find the motivation in a person or a thought or a thing or trophy, but find it.


Sunday, October 2, 2016

Stories and memories!!!


In one of the books I read , it was written that 'Bedtime stories make the strongest memory for a child'. I find this true because I like stories, no matter when they are being told. Grandparents are born to be storytellers, they use the night time to instill traditional, cultural and mythical values in grandchildren. Those are still afresh in my mind. Not only the bedtime stories, i still have the memories of the stories i read in my English and Hindi books in school. I think stories when told artistically can leave a lasting impression on mind and turn the course of actions.
The mythical stories of Hinduism like Ramayana and Mahabharata may be just stories or why would be they called 'mythical' but we keep on celebrating festivals around it , spend money and get holidays. But the point is that we keep on telling and reciting these stories to teach the people about the things that matter like truth, duty, honor, sacrifice.
I am not atheist but God sometimes seems to be mythical. We listen to the stories of God from our elders , we started believing in the powerful mystical creature and keep going for the traditions. But yes, the faith keeps us stronger, keep our hopes alive and keep us afraid enough not to commit any crimes.
I never wanted to cover God in this post of stories, but he came up from nowhere. Yes, exactly my point, he is Mystical and Mythical!!!


Friday, June 10, 2016

Joy of working..(Kind of preface for a book)

Honestly, I cannot really say why i like to work but it certainly gives a freedom kind of feeling. Office seems like a second home after some time. But that's just my view because i cannot go to someplace and spend nearly half of my day where i cannot feel warm an welcoming. And tall beautiful building used to, are and will be standing but people inside them matters when it comes to warmth.
I can write a book on the experiences of working but i have just completed 4 years of work, so i am gonna wait and gain more wisdom in this area to compile in a book.
But here are some things that i learnt while working and try everyday to implement them.

  •  Friends are everywhere, we need better communication to find them.
  •  Work gives satisfaction, if you put your heart in whatever you do.
  •  You can always take a day off 'out of the blue', your company can afford it.
  •  Lunch in office should be always enjoyed with people who are ready to talk about anything but work.
  •  Nobody expects you to work for more than 6 hours, you should also stop sweating about it.
  •  Exercise needs you, do it at least for the sake of it.
  •  We are asked and assigned the work in 'team' for a reason, work in a team to explore that reason.
  •  Keep office's mental baggage in your office drawer while leaving from there
  •  Laugh a lot when you work, it keeps the mind fresh
  •  Respect every one and their work, just like you want your work to be respected

I love to be a part of a culture, that is young working people. I really do. I know money can do wonders but it feels miraculous when you earn it while enjoying the process of making them.

Tried it, felt it. :)

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Book of prefaces..

What can I say, I think of writing a book in each month with a new topic each time. So instead of writing multiple unfinished books, I am thinking of writing ‘Preface’ or ‘About the book’ of every book I think about and create a book of prefaces. Beat that!!!

This post is actually the preface of ‘Book Of Prefaces’. If you are not confused enough, this is a rough preface, final draft is going to be better.

Words have power only because we allow them to be powerful. Bad can be tolerated but ‘terrible’ is heart aching; we gave two words a power to impact us in different manner. Just like any living person around, words can comfort us, hurt us, sadden us and glorify us .
When I fantasize regularly about writing a book, I tick two-three points in my mind to include and then realize the futility of such notion. I cannot finish even 10 pages with couple of points. While writing prefaces for each book, I can cover the couple of points and get over with it. I have this weird emotion of penning down every random thought that crosses my mind, as if when apocalypse destroys the world, my  written thoughts will be THE only piece of evidence of existing life forms for the future mankind. (My mind whispers ‘who knows’)
I am entirely comfortable if the only one who read my book or this post is me because writing keeps me sane, literally. I feel proud of myself after reading out what I have written. I somehow feel that written words are picked out carefully in comparison to what is spoken. And I truly believe that everyone deserve the communication with carefully picked out words since we have given power to the words.  
Expect the contents of the book to be written down with all my heart and I‘d love if you relate them with yourself. Because I have given my words the power to connect hearts too.

The Author.(I love the sound of it)

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Work buddies a.k.a. fun buddies!!!

Well, I started working four years back, unknown to the world where people daily spend 9 hrs at one place and wait for the salary day like farmers wait for rains in India. First year went on analyzing the work place and settling down. After then, I started enjoying work and the processes along with bonding with the team. When the team became a group of friends, I can hardly tell. So the three years went on becoming the most memorable working period. And when I had to leave the company , I was not leaving only  the workplace, I was leaving behind the place which holds the significance because of that time spent there with special people. I was heartbroken.
While working with new group of people , I keep on thinking the stuff we used to enjoy while working earlier and I'd like to share a few things. Sometimes the work load was very much and we shared a laugh while distributing that work. Sometimes, there we were laughing over the some comment from the client for some colleague. And there was one colleague of us who usually had fear of unknown and had very timid, skeptical character. We used to laugh now and then over that, and we can still remember everything about that person, thanks to the endless discussions we had. Teasing each other over something became inseparable part of our work life. Working over weekends was fun, because we could turn the music on high volume and work while shouting over each other. We used to enjoy outings after work, go on trips and trekking. Stupid, really stupid pranks were part of our day daily. The seniors in the team hardly ever showed off their seniority. Ratings and appraisals hardly mattered in those days. Then we all grew up and apart moving to other firms. 

I never realized then how much I am learning while just 'hanging out' with friends in office, but now I am. That was the time of having fun while working. I could not care any less about rest of the people in the company, and i am not an ounce regretful about that. When I think about those days, it starts like a slideshow and it brightens me up. Someday i will find a way to articulate exact things that we did, just to keep it as a memory.
This post will sound cheesy and sloppy but I couldn't help gushing over the times i have spent enjoying in the office. I am very sure that people whom i have shared these times will laugh over this post and tease me till the end of my life. 

Viewing the slideshow in full screen mode,

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Inner Peace

Master Shifu from Kungfu Panda meditates to attain inner peace. I kept on thinking why inner peace is required. We all think and get into conflicts with the voices in our head like ‘This is not fair, I deserve more ‘or ‘I shouldn’t do this as it is wrong’ and many more arguments go on in our heads. We give explanations and points to convince ourselves and then make peace with our mind. Inner peace is the state of mind when you don’t need convincing because there is nothing which can put you in conflict mode. Remember the humour and dialogues of Master Oogway who had attained inner peace, though turtles are naturally gentle and well-i-am-under-my-shell  kind of creatures. 

Sometimes the outcome is so important that you get into ‘inner peace’ mode throughout the journey, and sometimes the people are worth your best mind-mode. Why people like Prakash Baba Amte seem so content always? I think because he has a greater cause to fulfil and his mind has made peace with it. So even there are million difficulties in his way, his peaceful mind overcome each of those.

 I promptly put my mind on no-conflict mode for the people who seem willing to do same for me. And believe me, it takes every ounce of your energy to switch on to that mode. You see the pattern emerging itself, which encourages you to put your best foot forward and expect the same in return. In this case, even if you do have some things to worry about, you are happy with things that you have without any conflict or debate in mind. Very few people can motivate you to do that.   

I hope you find the cause which puts your mind out of misery and focus on the outcome. And I certainly hope that you find the person who gives you amazing feeling called Inner Peace. Well, I found mine.

Concentrating on that person,